Rachel Loshak

Rachel_Loshak_-_FireflyRachel Loshak a une voix extraordinaire.

J’ai découvert cette chanteuse avec cette voix sublime grâce au CD The Living Room – Live in NYC”


j’ai aussitôt commandé ces 3 CD (sur cdbaby).
Rachel_Loshak_-_Here_I_am Rachel_Loshak_-_Mint
What makes Singer/Bassist, Rachel Loshak’s music and sound so special is her sophisticated, orchestral approach to traditional pop music. Imagine a string quartet stripped of its native instruments and handed electric guitars and amplifiers. Melodic bass figures move like a boogied cello weaving with her pure and bell-toned voice, all forming an accessible foundation to the wide-eyed wonderment of her lyrics, which Loshak paints in broad strokes with a graceful sadness.

Among the haunting, darker numbers from her release Mint (2003), it’s the sparse, shadowy piano figures of “Single Rose” or the depth of the chamber sounds of “The Dreamer” that make the perfect pop lilt of “Rain” and “Sweet as Sin” stand out in their tasteful sublimity. She also induces a near-tribal rouse on the dub-tinged “Never Look Back”. Her new album “Peach Pony” follows her songwriting to its next level, and brings the production, as she works with Jason Crigler and Morgan Taylor, along with it. Supporting her both onstage and on record are guitarist Jason Crigler (Erin McKeown, Linda Thompson, Marshall Crenshaw), guitarist Morgan Taylor and drummer Dan Rieser (Norah Jones, Jesse Harris, Marcy Playground), singer Caitlin Canty, and french horn player Robby Jost. Rachel moved to New York City in the late Nineties from Suffolk, England and honed her songwriting craft with her unique ‘bass and voice’ style.

She now lives in New York permanently, using it as a base for her touring and recording. Rachel has created three full-length LP’s (Firefly in 2001, Mint in 2003 and Peach Pony in 2005). The latest LP features a duet with Norah Jones. Peach Pony has been released in several international territories to critical acclaim. Performing with Ms. Jones at the Grammy Awards in 2005, Rachel is also featured alongside her (and with Jesse Harris) on the Best of the Living Room compilation released in 2002. Recently Rachel has worked with Moby, recording vocals for a future release as well as performing at a Tsunami benefit concert in 2005. Rachel is about to start working on a new record, in collaboration with Hoboken based label, Infidel Records, for 2007 release. As a touring artist, Rachel appears regularly in New, York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago and has successfully toured Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, Scandinavia and South Korea.

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