Concert de Washboard Chaz Leary

Chaz_LearyHier soir concert de Chaz Leary au Jack Blue Cafe  Nominé meilleur instrumentiste et meilleur artiste blues de l’année en Louisiane, CHAZ LEARY, pilier de la scène de la Nouvelle Orléans se produira avec sa planche à laver au Jacks blues Café pour sa première tournée en France.

Brillantissime joueur de washboard, cet instrument percussions typique de la Louisiane, CHAZ a accompagné les plus grands : Muddy Waters, Paul Simon, John Hammond, Bonnie Raitt ou encore Taj Mahal, entres autres. Chanteur émérite, Chaz est aussi un remarquable band leader. Son WASHBOARD CHAZ Trio avec l’harmoniciste …. et l’incroyable guitariste italien Max de Bernardi est garant d’un style acoustique allant du old ragtime au delta blues de Robert Johnson, sa principale influence.

Though comfortable in all forms of our diverse American musical heritage, Washboard Chaz Leary has achieved dominance and international recognition in acoustic country blues. He has played professionally with an impressive array of world-class musicians, both on the stage and in the recording studio. His reputation as a consumate musician and performer – along with a delightful stage presence has brought him countless excellent reviews and wide popularity. Originally from New York, Chaz lived in Boulder, CO from 1975-1997, and played with a wide variety of bands including the legendary Ophelia Swing Band, Prosperity Jazz Band, BBQ Bob & Washboard Chaz, Judy Roderick and the Forebears, and Bleecker St. During this time, Chaz was a two time finalist in KBCOs Boulder songwriting contest. Upon arrival in New Olreans in December 2000, Chaz established himself as a seasoned musician, forming his Washboard Chaz Blues Trio with Ben Maygarden on harmonica and Roberto Luti on slide guitar.

Shortly afterward, Chaz joined Alex McMurray and Matt Perrinne on sousaphone to form the Tin Men, one of New Orleans’ most unique and recognized bands. Since then, Chaz has also played with the cream of New Orleans musicians, including the New Orleans Nightcrawlers, the Iguanas, Tuba Fats, Royal Fingerbowl, and the Jazz Vipers. Chaz’s talents are becomming synonymous with New Orleans and he was recently featured in a 2005 New Orleans commercial. He is currently playing a small part in the upcoming CBS movie titled “Just Like the Ones”, about miraculus snow storms that hit all over the country, co-starring Mary Tylor Moore and Poppy Montgomery. Chaz has shared the stage with Bonnie Raitt, John Hammond, Taj Mahal, Anders Osborne and Corey Harris among others. He has opened for many blues greats, including Muddy Waters, Robert Cray, Doc Watson and Keb Mo.

Chaz‘s musical talents have been featured on over 70 recordings, including John Hammonds 1998 Grammy nominated Long as I have You. He has played festivals and clubs from coast to coast, including the Bottom Line in New York City, the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, Telluride Blue Grass Festival, the American Music Hall in San Francisco and Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver. He has played successful International tours, with his band Bleecker St. in Germany, in Holland and Germany with David Booker, and in Japan with Chris Mule. His talents extend from washboard, congas and other hand percussion, drum kit, lead and background vocals, to songwriting and arranging.

Chaz has also developed a strong program of percussion workshops both for adults and for children, as well as having performed for Blues in the Schools programs in Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. To enhance your performance in the studio and/or live, Washboard Chaz is a guaranteed crowd-pleasing professional.

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